Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm Filled with GLEE!!

I'm very proud to proclaim that I am a Gleek. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it is how fans of the TV show Glee refer to themselves (kinda like Barry Manilow fans call themselves Fanilows). While this may not be the type of show that everyone can truly appreciate, I was hooked from the start.

Here's the premise: high school Glee kids singing random pop songs. Great writing, acting and musical numbers. That's it, simple I know. On top of that there are some great story lines that show what it's like to be a teenager (with a few awesome song and dances thrown in for good measure). Maybe not typical of most teens, but the struggle for acceptance is a big part of the show. Besides, who hasn't wished that music would start playing when he or she walks in a room (I think my company should go so far as to have specific entrance music for me); or who hasn't felt the need to erupt in song (hell, I do on occasion).

For me, the two great standouts are Lea Michele and Jane Lynch. Lea has an amazing talent that should be felt by everyone. Personally, I'm hoping she gets to sing a nice big song with Broadway diva Idina Menzel (if you've never heard her sing, it's your loss. I saw her about 13 years ago in the original Broadway production of Rent and she has a phenomenal voice).
Jane Lynch is incredibly funny in everything she does. Want proof, check out the Christopher Guest films she's been in. (Who's Christopher Guest? He's Jamie Lee Curtis' husband and is a fine filmmaker. I recommend 'Best in Show')

On a random side note, the character of Brittany makes me laugh constantly. I'm sorry to say that I don't know the actress' name, but she seems to get some of the best lines. (For example, when conversation turned toward the guidance counselor the following was uttered: They made me talk to her when they found out I kept birds in my locker). What?!? It was so random and unexpected that I couldn't refrain from guffawing.....loudly.

Outside of this, is the music itself. By taking current and older pop songs and making them something a little new and a little different, the cast is able to push into your brain and hang out for a little while. (I'm actually listening to the new CD inspired by tonight's all Madonna episode -- yup, it was waiting for me on iTunes today). Maybe some episodes have been a little off (the fake pregnancy -- really? Couldn't any man be that naive?), but one thing is constant: every episode leaves me filled with joy. What's wrong with that? Not a damn thing! We should all be filled with complete and utter Glee sometimes.

Now go forth and sing & dance! I certainly will.