Monday, June 6, 2011

This Kitty has Claws

So while I have an innate tendency to be wound very tight (there's a line in an old Concrete Blonde song that says something about being "wound as tight as a goddamn piano wire"; that is me), I also try to be a very considerate and accommodating person (my mama taught me manners, thank you very much). However, there are times when I am anything but kind and considerate. Rudeness (and poor driving, which, let's face it, could be considered rude behavior) tend to bring out my darker side and make me very...rude. I've been known to fly into fits of road rage (minor, I promise) when someone cuts me off or almost plows into my car. You'll get some swearing and a middle finger (or two if you're a complete asshat) but I'm not going to follow you or anything (at least I hope I never reach that point -- if I do, it's time for Prozac). In person, I try to refrain from being a complete dick.

Most of the time.

I work at one of my company's satellite offices, which is housed in a building with another company or two. A lot of the folks from the other companies like to overfill the elevator (there are three others and two flights of stairs folks and only six floors) rather than being considerate and waiting or walking. Normally, I don't say anything. Sometimes I may roll my eyes, but i refrain from bad behavior. Until recently that is, when I thought my lunch was going to be smashed all over my shirt. The elevator was packed super full (seriously, I am very familiar with others now). We stopped and one person got off (yay!) and three started to get on. (I should probably mention that I was trapped in the back corner).

It was at this moment that my ears went back like an angry cat's.

You know how people say they felt like they left their body and were watching from above? That's how I felt when I started to yell that the elevator was already full and no one else needed to get on. The guy getting on thought I was joking and started to laugh; until he saw my face, at which point he made one of his co-workers get off. (You could have joined too, it would have been a big help).


He wouldn't look at me, for good reason, as I had become "Crazy Elevator Guy".

I've seen him and he won't get on the elevator with me. Smart decision.

So what's the lesson (other than I can go a little nuts)? Don't crowd the elevator (at least with me in it). Imagine how I would have reacted had the elevator gotten stuck?

I'm going to go hang my head in shame now.