Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sometimes You Just Have to Go For It

I'd like to think that I carry myself well.  At least in most situations anyway.  Sometimes though, you have to go a little out there to really drive your point home.  I could apologize for the previous, but I will not.  Take it as it is, call it making a statement, hell, call it art; just don't ask me to apologize.

Clearly, I do not have a future in politics.  Well, maybe I do.  It could be the dawn of a new era: the human, not gonna lie to you politician.  Would I want your vote?  Hell yeah, but I won't pander or change want I believe to get it.  I'm not selling out.  Although, my ass is now out there for the world and I'm not even working for tips this time.  ;-)

If it comes back to me in 5 years, at least I can say I'm proud of what I said and did.  Maybe I'd give em a live demonstration.  I should probably shut up now.

Time to Make a Stand